Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Its Alright to Leave

There are so many red flags, yellow flags and things people try to ignore when dating or in a relationship; if you need a list of why you should leave a relationship look at the list below.

1.      Needs are not being met (this list is different for every person i.e. mentally, physically or financially)
2.      You have been cheated on or manipulated or violated
3.      You have given years’ and excessive time and he has not married you
4.      You are a secret you have not met his mom, family, friends, or children
5.      He calls after 11 pm and you don’t go on any dates, dinner, no courting you, just for sex
6.      He doesn’t Love God and you don’t have the same moral values
7.      Not respectful of you they are verbally or physically abusive, profanities, nasty, mean
8.      You have nothing in common (food, hobbies, friends, likes, events)
9.      He doesn’t like your Children or Family (and they not crazy children or family)
10.   They drink excessively (alcoholic or too much for you)
11.   They do drugs of any kind street or prescription
12.   They are broke, no job, no car and they are not trying to get any of those listed. (You should have left that alone from the beginning)
13.   They are a user, a leach, a predator
14.   They don’t know your worth
15.   They are not supportive.

This list is not exhaustive but hopefully will give you courage on making the right decision. You have to know what you will and will not put up with.

Michelle A. Roberts, M.A., Author, Speaker, and Entrepreneur Author of Dr. Shell’s 100 Tips on dating 

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