Monday, October 5, 2015

So he doesn’t want you…… Pick up your P.E.A.R.L.S .

I just got off the phone with a client who was crying and I was listening and all she kept saying is he don’t want me. He doesn’t want me! I listened and listened, I got teary eyed too. But then I had to help my sister.
So he doesn’t want you…… First let me acknowledge that yes it is a bad feeling and it can make you question your self-worth, your mental clarity and your spiritual walk. I believe at least once if not more you will experience this when you are dating and even when you have been in a committed relationship or one you thought commitment was supposed to be there. Honestly it’s just not a good feeling.
But girl let me tell you ….. Pick up your P.E.A.R.L.S and move forward.  It was probably a good thing. (I know you making a face) But trust me and read on. J
Pick up Peace of mind you were probably trying very hard and trying more than they were.  Let’s face it after you cry and reflect, there is nothing like Peace of mind. 
Next put your Emotions in check, “weeping endures one night but joy comes in the morning” (Okay it may take you a week but do it), calm yourself, exercise, and breath, scream if you need too!
Take Action, get involved in other activities, call your family or your girlfriends that you may have been ignoring when you were caught up, stay busy and if you are brave start dating again.  Call that 2nd string, you know the one who said if he ever lets you go I will be there. (Be careful now, if you are one that can’t handle something new that quickly.)
Have a Reality check; examine the good, the bad, the ugly and what you want in your next relationship and the things you will improve upon and the things you will not put up with.
Love yourself like never before, get a massage, have a spa day, get your make up done, Change your hair,  go to the movies or a play by yourself (love you and be okay even when you are alone) .
And finally be Strong you can and will live through this experience, you will grow, you will love again and you will be position with your P.E.A.R.L.S. Peace, Emotions , Action, Reality, Love and Strength.
This article is compliments of Michelle A. Roberts, M.A., Author, Speaker, and Entrepreneur

Contact: Michelle A. Roberts 404-935-8113

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